Warrior Cats Characters Into The Wild

If a cat had been auditioned for and accepted I will put ex ShadowpawTAKEN.
Warrior cats characters into the wild. Ultimate Warrior Cats Wiki. Created by Video Treasures Directed by Masanori Hata Produced by Masuru Kakutani Satoru Ogata Written by Masanori Hata Mark Saltzman English version Narrated by Shigeru Tsuyuki Japan Dudley Moore United States Starring Shigeru Tsuyuki Japan Dudley Moore United States Masuru Kakutani Satoru Ogata Music by. This is the first casting call for WCAnimateds animated web series based on the WARRIORS series by Erin Hunter.
Apprentice Ravenpaw Whitestorm - big white tom. The series will follow Rusty a seemingly ordinary housecat who leaves his comfortable life behind to join ThunderClan a group of wild forest cats. Barley- Black-and-white tom who lives on a farm close to the forest.
He magically tore into her shoulder crippling her with his lasers. Do you want to try me she growled. View source History Talk 0 This category is for characters in the book Into the Wild.
This dream drives the young cat into the forest where he is briefly attacked by Graypaw a ThunderClan apprentice. Rusty has been having strange dreams of himself hunting in the forest but he would always wake up before he actually caught any prey. We are now casting the first six characters appearing in our pilot INTO THE WILD - PART 1.
Goldenflower- TAKEN modog7 BACKUP -If-Only- Speckletail- Pale tabby and the oldest nursery queen. If you have any questions just leave a comment either on my account page or in the studio and Ill try to get to it as soon as possible. It was written by author Kate Cary.
Instead of fleeing Rusty turns and fights back. Noble warriors are dying -- and some deaths are more mysterious than others. Into the Wild was released on January 21 2003.