Warrior Cats Firestar Fanfiction

Firestar is a litheTemplateR battle-scarredTemplateR ginger tomTemplateR with a flame-colored peltTemplateR brilliantTemplateR emerald eyesTemplateR a lean strong shapeTemplateR a thick coatTemplateR a pale orange bellyTemplateR powerful shoulders longTemplateR thorn-sharp clawsTemplateR soft black pads a long scar on his flank and a torn ear.
Warrior cats firestar fanfiction. The pale sky settled high above. Firestar watched as a few cats- most likely the few Bloodclan Warriors Scourge had managed to find after the battle- emerged from the bushes and followed Scourge. He sat down behind Whitewing and Poppyfrost and wondered hopefully if any of the younger cats would leave gifts for him.
10 Questions - Developed by. 2019-08-02 - 2061 taken - 3 people like it. This sometimes is regarded as the most well-known Warriors fanfiction The original fanfiction was deleted off of Fanfictionfim as proven true in Epilogue.
Starclan help me explain this to my clan. The original fanfiction was posted on December 1st 2009 on Fanfictionfim. He is reborn as a kit with all his memories intact with a mysterious prophecy.
- Ship 11- Ferncloud x Dustpelt - Wattpad. At the barn he gives out orders to set up a camp and hunt. The sun in the sky lit warmly.
The birds flapped their wings wildly in the sky. The Heart of a Warrior In this book Firestar leads a patrol of ThunderClan cats to defeat the rogues who have taken over Barley and Ravenpaws barn. Later at night he leads the cats.
Kit X Any Rape Lemon Yaboiamb Wattpad. Lionblaze was still pounding into Cinderheart as he was the only tom who didnt finish yet. I do quizzes about the series time by time.